Are You in a Jam?

If you are in, have been, or might someday be in a jam, please read this short piece I wrote that was just published in an actual, real life, established (and scholarly!) journal.

To read it, click on the title of the piece and a PDF will appear. (If you have an account with University of California Press, they would love it if you read the piece on their site instead—just click the bibliographic URL.)

In my next post, I’ll get into some behind-the-scenes details about the piece that I think are worth sharing.

Meanwhile, I’m going to bask in the glow of my first published journal article since law school and hope that it brings you a moment of levity today. The mass shooting and loss of life in Uvalde, Texas is so heavy, and I am, once again, unable to square what this country claims to value with how it legislates or behaves.